Our home is one of our most valuable assets. That said, making improvements to it can boost its value even more. Moreover, it would be a nicer place to live in.

However, it’s no secret that remodeling and making renovations are quite expensive. The expenses for home improvement is one of the main reasons why many delay making them.

Below is a list of tips we gathered to increase a home’s value without spending too much:

Clean And Declutter

You can add value to your home by keeping it clean and organized while also minimizing the stuff you have.  It will not only boost your home’s value, but also make your home look more attractive and comfortable.

Increase Usable Space

The amount of livable square feet is one of the factors that determine a home’s value and price.  The more livable and usable space your home contains, the higher the value.  Use this as an opportunity to get rid of extra furniture you have lying around that you accumulated over the years.

Dress It Up With Fresh Paint

A fresh coat of paint will help make your home look brand new. Keep in mind, using neutral colors will be more inviting.

A smart move that I see many of my sellers do is after they paint, they just take off all the pictures and artwork that they have on the wall and they fix up all the holes.  This way, it’s just a nice fresh look that a buyer can envision themselves in.  If you’re painting anyway, you might as well remove the family pictures.  It just looks fresher.

Improve Your Curb Appeal

There’s a saying that goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”   However in this case, looking good on the outside can say a lot about what’s inside.  It generally gives me a sense of the sellers if they’re the type to maintain their home and if they value maintaining besides just cosmetic updates.

Working on the exterior of your home will make a huge difference to the value and the perception of the buyers of your home.  Power-washing your driveway, mowing the lawn (whatever lawn there is in Brooklyn 😉 ), cleaning the windows, replacing or painting the old front door, making sure the stairs aren’t broken or cracked, and a basic upgrade of your landscape can go a long way.  Even replacing your garbage cans if they’re broken down or cracked, it just gives a vibe to the buyers that you’re the type who maintains their property.

Update Your Kitchen’s Look

Many consider the kitchen as the central feature of a home.  It would then be smart to give your kitchen an updated look.  It could just mean changing the backsplash and painting the kitchen or maybe upgrading some of the furniture in the kitchen.

I never advise people to redo the kitchen completely, just in order to sell.  The ROI of what you put in, you don’t always get back, but the minor remodeling of appliances and the painting of the backsplash can add a tremendous value to your home.

Stage Your Home

Staging your home, instead of making cosmetic home improvements, is one way to go if you’re planning to list your home for sale.  The cost of staging your home varies depending on the home and your needs.

From decluttering and depersonalization (removing family photos or specific decor) to bringing in rented furnishings and repainting, a real estate agent can help you determine which staging services would make the best effect on your home’s value.

These are some basic ways on how to positively affect the value and price of your home.  Even the most relatively inexpensive renovations can enhance your property’s value.  Although it is important to determine the costs incurred in improving a home, it is also important to consider how much of that cost you’ll recoup.

If you intend to sell your home, then it would be best to reach out to a licensed real estate agent because their experiences will enable them to give you advice, which can help you determine what would be the best course of action to take so your home would appeal to more potential buyers.