Using about 14 percent of the total energy used in the average home, the refrigerator is one of the prime suspects behind your criminally high electric bill. Keeping your fridge clean and well maintained can help maximize its efficiency.

Coil Cleanse

The refrigerator condenser coils beneath or behind the unit are relentless dust magnets, and too much buildup can put a serious damper on performance. Make sure to check the coils and clear them 2 to 3 times a year.

 Debris-Free Fans

Interior fans in the fridge and freezer also develop buildup overtime, forcing the motor to work harder to circulate air. Make sure to check fans periodically.

Forget Frost

Clean cooling pipes are efficiency essentials, so you should never let the frost in your freezer get out of hand. The thicker the frost, the more energy needed to get the same temperature. Make sure to defrost regularly, and try not to let ice build up to more than about a quarter of an inch.